Sunday, October 24, 2010

Home Stretch

Yes, I am overdue for an update.  There has been so much progress in the last month and I have been so busy with house decisions, work, and other things that I haven't been able to keep up.  We close on the house in less than two weeks.  There still appears to be a lot to do in the next two weeks, but the plastering is done, all the interior light fixtures, switches and outlets are in.  The gas fireplace with our antique mantel has been completed (but not tested.)  The geothermal system is running, the siding and porch railings are all installed.  We had some grass planted (still waiting for it to grow,) and the kitchen cabinet installation started this week.  What's left? The interior trim and door installations are well under way, but not finished.  The carpenter was working this past Saturday to keep on track. The final plumbing (sinks, toilets, and clawfoot tub) still need to be installed and the carpeting needs to be installed.  I know there are other details that also need to be taken care of, but we are definitely close to being finished.

There are many other tasks on my part that need to be completed and they are stacking up.  I've been lining up having the utilities available following closing and lining up a mover.  We have also continued to prepare our current home for listing.  We have decided to wait until we move out, however.  We need to get the carpets cleaned and stretched and it is a bit more cost effective to get that done when there is no furniture to move.  We will not be listing at the best  time of the year, but postponing listing takes a lot of pressure off.  It is not much fun to live in a house that is for sale.  Beside having to maintain a picture perfect home while trying to live in it, we have Diva to worry about.  On occasion, she has decided to crap on the carpet.  We still haven't figured out why, but I think it is when we are not paying enough attention to her.  Anyway it would not be good for a potential buyer to come across the results of Diva's wrath while whey are walking through our house.

A stressful issue I am dealing with is getting delivery of appliances I ordered from Best Buy.  Words of advice--do not ever order appliances at  So far they have twice scheduled delivery and not shown up.  There is no point in providing all the gory details of this saga.  I will just say that I still don't have the in stock appliances I ordered over 3 weeks ago and no one at Best Buy is apparently responsible for products purchased over the internet.  Hopefully this will be resolved soon.  In the meantime, I am very pleased with the workmanship and progress of the house.