Thursday, July 29, 2010

First Problem...

I received a call from the excavator yesterday. He had moved the footprint of the house east two feet because he was concerned about the size of the parking pad area. Unfortunately, the house location was already very tight to meeting the required setbacks. The building inspector determined that the house encroached on the setback by two feet. The builder acknowledged their error (they should not have deviated from the plan) and provided a few options aside from starting over:1) We could apply for a variance but that would stop work for up to 60 days and there was no guarantee it would be approved, 2) They could change the dimensions of the first floor bedroom, but we didn't like going from a square bedroom to a "bowling alley" or 3) The back of the house could be shifted back 2 feet so that only a few footers and basement walls would have to be redone.

This all happened while on vacation in Kiawah. I just happened to be in the house when the builder called because it had been raining. Otherwise I would have either been out on my bike or on the beach. Thanks to technology we were able to come to a resolution quickly. They e-mailed me pdfs of options 2 and 3 so I look at the proposed drawing changes. We are going with option 3. Unfortunately work is on hold until the new drawings are prepared and approved.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this is the biggest issue we run into!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Digging Has Begun

The house is under way! The builder broke ground on Monday July 19. They have been working hard and long hours moving a lot of dirt. The footers are in and the last time I checked on progress, they were running the utilities to the house. Separate trenches had to be dug each for water, sewer, power, telephone/cable, and natural gas. They had already dug a trench for the electric (on the same side of the property where the previous was hooked up) when the inspector made them move the electric hook up to the other side (oops!) Good thing that they did ask if we wanted to keep the well porch--they've been digging around it.